Two-component polyurethane finishing varnish. Good reactivity, hardness, feel and levelling. Mixture ratio 2:1 (2 Montopol : 1 Cat.Ms). Mixture life (Ms 8h).
- Mix without modifying under any circumstances the proportions of part A (MOTOPOL TRANSPARENTE MATE 20) and of part B (MONTOPOL HARDENER)
- Dilute appropriately and leave to rest for a few minutes.
- Coat thickeners of greater than130 g/m2 wet per coat.
- Do not apply the product at high temperatures or on surfaces exposed to strong insolation.
- Ensure good ventilation while product is drying.
- Do not apply in relative humidity over 80%.
- Before mixing, make sure that the MONTOPOL HARDENER is completely transparent.
- For porous wood, dilute the product so it penetrates the pore and so that bubbles do not appear.
- Respect the minimum time in order to prevent stirring.
- Respect the maximum time between coats in order to prevent adhesion problems.
- Apply to wood primed with polyurethane base from the Montopol Range.
-The base must be free from foreign materials and/or waste matter.
- Apply to wood with a moisture content of less than 20%.
- Apply to healthy wood that is dry and free from grease and dust.
- Sand down and remove any remains of glue in joints and defects from mechanical processes.
- Apply once the polyurethane base is evenly absorbed.
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de Two-component polyurethane finishing varnish. Good reactivity, hardness, feel and levelling. Mixture ratio 2:1 (2 Montopol : 1 Cat.Ms). Mixture life (Ms 8h). Mate