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Revestimientos de fachadas
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Rev. lisos 100% acrilicos [3]
Revestimientos lisos [4]
Revestimientos al silicato [2]
Siloxano [2]
Revestimientos pliolite [1]
Revestimientos rugosos [2]
Anticarbonatacion [1]
Antihumedad e impermeabilizac.
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Impermeabilizacion horizontal [4]
Impermeabilizacion vertical [2]
Hidrofugantes [1]
Humedad capilar [2]
Anticondensacion [1]
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Poliuretanos multisoporte [4]
Antioxidante agua metales
Sinteticos metal-madera [8]
Acrilicos multisoporte [3]
Spray multisoporte [17]
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Protectores alcidicos (p. a.) [4]
Barnices sinteticos [5]
Poliuretanos 1 comp. (suelos) [2]
Aceites protectores (restaur.) [2]
Protectores al agua (p. a.) [5]
Tratamientos al agua [1]
Poliuretanos al agua (suelos) [3]
Fondos nitro pigmen. (l. y p.) [6]
Fondos poliuretano transparent [15]
Preparaciones, fondos e impr.
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Al uso (masillas) [6]
Hierro y metales (masillas) [1]
Madera [1]
En polvo (masillas) [13]
Hierro y metales (imprimacio.) [8]
Multiadherente (imprimaciones) [1]
Selladoras (imprimaciones) [1]
Suelos (imprimaciones) [1]
Fijadores y emulsiones (impr.) [4]
Productos para uso especifico
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Colorantes liquidos [2]
Instalaciones deportivas [3]
Instalaciones deportivas [1]
Varios [1]
Epoxis al agua [1]
Quitapinturas [1]
Sistema antigraffiti [1]
Anticaloricas [1]
Aditivos [2]
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Epoxis suelos y metales [2]
Acrilicas disolvente [1]
Acrilicas disolvente [1]
Complementos suelo [2]
Alta decoracion
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Estucos [3]
Complementos [1]
Rusticos difuminados [1]
Texturados, velados y tampon. [1]
Water-based coating used as a primer for the reinforcement layer prior to the application of the final finish of the MONTÓ therm System.
Sinteticos metal-madera
Chalk effect paint, velvety appearance and fast drying. To create vintage or aged effects, using the application technique (abrading by sanding).
Protectores alcidicos (p. a.)
Protective treatment of wood. Maximum performance, durability and resistance to atmospheric agents. Incorporates U.V. sunscreen. Breathable. Easy maintenance and repainting. Outdoors apply with colour.
Satin finish protective wood treatment, microporous, penetrating and flexible, with high resistance...
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Protective treatment of wood. Breathable, non film-forming. Incorporates U.V. filter. Easy maintenance and repainting. Outdoors apply with colour.
Protective treatment for satin wood, for open pore finishes, in colour. Water-repellent....
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Protective treatment of wood. Breathable, non film-forming. Incorporates U.V. filter. Easy maintenance and repainting. Outdoors apply with colour.
Protective treatment for matt wood, for open pore finishes, in colour. Water-repellent....
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Open pore base. Breathable. Outdoors, anchor with colour.
Penetrating wood primer for maximum elasticity. With waterproof. Penetrating, not a film....
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Barnices sinteticos
Synthetic varnish for universal use. Excellent hardness, fast drying and brushability.
Urethane varnish with closed pore and gloss finish, characterised by its hardness,...
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Synthetic varnish for universal use. Excellent hardness, fast drying and brushability.
Urethane varnish with closed pore and satin finish, characterised by its hardness,...
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Synthetic varnish for universal use. Excellent hardness, fast drying and brushability.
Urethane varnish with closed pore and flat finish, characterised by its hardness,...
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Synthetic varnish with maximum resistance to sunlight. Good brushability, elasticity and resistance to sun rays due to the incorporation of UV FILTER.
Marine varnish. Transparent closed-pore alkyd-urethane with a glossy finish, characterized by its...
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Synthetic varnish for maximum resistance in extreme climates. Elastic. Incorporates U.V. FILTER.
Transparent, closed pore urethane alkyd varnish with a brilliant finish, outstanding brushability...
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Poliuretanos 1 comp. (suelos)
One-component varnish that crosslinks with ambient humidity. Extraordinary durability. Sand after 24 hours.
One component polyurethane varnish which reticulates with atmospheric humidity. Gives extraordinary hardness...
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One-component varnish that crosslinks with ambient humidity. Extraordinary durability. Sand after 24 hours.
Single component polyurethane varnish which reticulates with atmospheric humidity. Gives extraordinary hardness...
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Aceites protectores (restaur.)
Mixture of natural oils for the nourishment and protection of unvarnished wood outdoors. Reinforced with U.V. filter
Mix of natural oils for nourishing and protecting wood without varnishing.
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High quality linseed oil with siccatives. As wood protector, impregnating agent, surface sealant.
High quality linseed oil with drying additives, for use as a wood...
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Protectores al agua (p. a.)
Protective treatment of wood. Breathable. Incorporates U.V. filter. Easy maintenance and repainting. Outdoors apply with colour.
Acrilyc waterborne lasur with UV filters for the protection of wood exposed...
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Protective treatment of wood. Breathable. Incorporates U.V. filter. Easy maintenance and repainting. Outdoors apply with colour.
Lasure-type transparent varnish for protecting interior and exterior wood, with UV protectors.
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Opaque wood protection treatment. Breathable. Easy maintenance and repainting. Excellent brushability and levelling. Outdoors apply with colour.
Wood matt protection treatment, microporous, for the protection of woods exteriors. Elastic...
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Open pore base. Breathable, non film-forming. U.V. ray-resistant. Maximum protection outdoors, increased if given in colour.
Protective water base for wood. Penetrating. Open pore, breathable. It does not...
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Water-based primer. High adhesion, whiteness and coverage. High filling power with easy sanding.
Acrylic-urethane water-based primer. Excellent brushability, odourless. Great adhesion and excellent whiteness and...
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Tratamientos al agua
Poliuretanos al agua (suelos)
One component water-based varnish with excellent hardness, for painting parquet floors, stairs. Odourless.
Transparent gloss water-based polyurethane varnish for varnishing woods in interiors when a...
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One component water-based varnish with excellent hardness, for painting parquet floors, stairs. Odourless.
Transparent satin water-based polyurethane varnish for varnishing woods in interiors when a...
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One component water-based varnish with excellent hardness, for painting parquet floors, stairs. Odourless.
Transparent matt water-based polyurethane varnish for varnishing woods in interiors when a...
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Fondos nitro pigmen. (l. y p.)
Transparent nitrocellulose primer, fast drying and easy to sand.
Transparent nitrocellulosic base, with great filling capacity, drying speed and easily sanded.
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Clear nitrocellulose finishing lacquer. Fast drying and excellent feel and hardness.
Colorless nitrocellulose lacquer matt finish, with excellent feel and hardness. Fast drying
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Clear nitrocellulose finishing lacquer. Fast drying and excellent feel and hardness.
Nitrocellulose lacquer satin finish, transparent, fast drying, high hardness and excellent touch.
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Clear nitrocellulose finishing lacquer. Fast drying and excellent feel and hardness.
Nitrocellulose lacquer gloss finish, transparent, fast drying, high hardness and excellent touch.
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Nitrocellulose primer with excellent whiteness and coverage. Fast drying and easy sanding.
Water-based enamel. All purpose. Does not yellow, excellent levelling and brushability
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Nitrocellulose finishing lacquer with excellent whiteness and coverage. Fast drying and excellent feel and hardness.
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Fondos poliuretano transparent
Two-component polyurethane varnish. Excellent value for money. Good sanding and filling ability. Mixture ratio 2:1 (2 Montopol : 1 Cat.Ms). Mixture life (Ms 8h)
Two-component, colourless, polyurethane varnish primer. Excellent relation price quality. Hight reactivity, hight...
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Two-component polyurethane varnish. Good resistance to overcoating. Easy sanding and high filling power. Mixture ratio 2:1 (2 Montopol : 1 Cat.Ms). Mixture life (Ms 8h).
Two-component colourless grain filler polyurethane varnish, with good resistance to overvarnishing, easy...
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Two-component polyurethane varnish. Maximum filling power, easy sanding, elasticity and reactivity. Mixture ratio 2:1 (2 Montopol : 1 Cat.Ms). Mixture life (Ms 8h).
Dual-component, colourless, polyurethane varnish primer, with maximum filling capacity, elasticity and reactivity....
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Two-component polyurethane finishing varnish. Excellent value for money. Good reactivity, hardness, feel and levelling. Mixture ratio 2:1 (2 Montopol: 1 Cat.Ms). Mixture life (Ms 8h).
Two-component transparent polyurethane varnish, for satin finishes, with excellent touch, hardness and...
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Two-component polyurethane finishing varnish. Good reactivity, hardness, feel and levelling. Mixture ratio 2:1 (2 Montopol : 1 Cat.Ms). Mixture life (Ms 8h).
Dual-component, transparent, polyurethane varnish, for flat finishes, with good reactivity, hardness, touch...
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Two-component polyurethane finishing varnish. Excellent reactivity, hardness, feel and levelling. Mixture ratio 2:1 (2 Montopol : 1 Cat.Ms). Mixture life (Ms 8h).
Two-component transparent polyurethane varnish, for a satin finish, with excellent feel and...
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Two-component polyurethane finishing varnish. Excellent reactivity, hardness, feel and levelling. Mixture ratio 2:1 (2 Montopol : 1 Cat.Ms). Mixture life (Ms 8h).
Dual-component, transparent polyurethane varnish, for a glossy finish, excellent touch, hard and...
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Two-component polyurethane varnish. Excellent value for money. Good sanding and filling ability. Mixture ratio 2.3:1 (2.3 Montopol : 1 Cat. Ms). Mixture life (Ms 4h).
Polyurethane white base, with two components, for interiors, noted for its high...
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Two-component polyurethane varnish. Maximum whiteness, filling power, sandability, elasticity and reactivity. Mixture ratio 2.3:1 (2.3 Montopol : 1 Cat. Ms). Mixture life (Ms 4h).
Two-component white grain filler polyurethane base, with good filling capacity, easy and...
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Two-component polyurethane finishing varnish. Good whiteness, coverage and resistance to yellowing, feel and levelling. Mixture ratio 2.5:1 (2.5 Montopol : 1 Cat. Na). Mixture life (Na 4-6h).
Two-component matt white polyurethane top coat converter, with good whiteness, coverage, feel...
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Two-component polyurethane finishing varnish. Excellent whiteness, coverage and resistance to yellowing, feel and levelling. Mixture ratio 2.5:1 (2.5 Montopol : 1 Cat. Na). Mixture life (Na 4-6h).
Two-component matt white top coat converter. With excellent whiteness, coverage, feel and...
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Two-component polyurethane finishing varnish. Good whiteness, coverage and resistance to yellowing, feel and levelling. Mixture ratio 2.5:1 (2.5 Montopol : 1 Cat. Na). Mixture life (Na 2h).
Top coat white two-component polyurethane, good whiteness and coverage, ease of application...
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Two-component polyurethane finishing varnish. Excellent whiteness, coverage and resistance to yellowing, feel and levelling. Mixture ratio 2.5:1 (2.5 Montopol : 1 Cat. Na). Mixture life (Na 2h).
Two-component gloss white polyurethane top coat, with excellent whiteness, easy application, good...
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Aromatic hardener to be mixed with the whole Montopol range: clear and white primers.
Aromatic hardener in Montopol poliurethane range, colourless topcoats and pigmented sealers. To...
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Aliphatic hardener to be mixed with the whole Montopol range: white finishes.
Aliphatic hardener (not yellowing) to be used with polyurethanes with white finishes,...
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