Matt plastic paint with high coverage. Photocatalytic effect that purifies the environment and removes substances that are harmful to health. Reduces smells. Self-cleaning effect: walls and ceilings stay clean for longer.

Photocatalytic coating that purifies and purifies the interior environment, reducing gaseous pollutants and substances harmful to health (for example formaldehyde or NOx). It also works by breaking down and eliminating bad odors. Certified photocatalytic activity, it acts once the paint film dries and as long as it is kept in good condition. It also offers excellent performance as a decorative paint: smooth matt finish with high coverage and resistance.With bactericidal and virucidal efficacy test. This product contributes to LEED®, BREEAM® and VERDE certifications.
14 - 16 m²/L
Tiempo de secado
(20ºC HR:60%):1h


  • 20


White and a selection of colours.
Stir the product until perfectly blended.
Do not apply the product when room temperature is under 5ºC or to surfaces exposed to strong sunlight.
Cement mortars:
1. Wait until completely set (minimum 30 days)
2. Clean off any efflorescence with a sand blaster
3. Neutralise alkaline surfaces
4. Sand polished surfaces to increase porosity
5. Remove foreign products from the base
6. Fix crumbling bases with Emulsión Fijadora or Fijamont
7. Fill in any defects/flaws in the base (see family 6)

1. Wait until the plaster is dry (maximum 20% humidity)
2. Remove undesired products from the base
3. Clean off any efflorescence with a sand blaster
4. Control the absorbency of the base using a sealant, fixative or a diluted coat of the same product.


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