Plastic paint with an excellent balance between covering power, gloss and resistance. Low splatter.
This product should be dilluted depending on surface conditon and porosity level.
Finish with one or more coats slighlty dilluted until surface is totally covered.
Do not apply product at temperatures below 5ºC or any surfaces which have been exposed to sunshine.
-Wait till complete drying of product (30 days minimum).
-Remove off any efflorescences by abrasive jet and neutralize alkaline surfaces.
-Extremely polished surfaces should be sanpapered to open pores.
-Remove off any foreing products or remains.
-Cover surface imperfections with Plastmont Exteriores (See Family 6 to help you choose the most suitable product to prepare surfaces).
-Wait till complete drying of product (20% max. Moisture level).
-Remove off any foreign product or product remains.
-Remove off any efflorescences.
-Use a sealant or matt paste to regulate surface absorption.
-Extremely polished surfaces should be sandpapered to open pore.
-Very damaged surfaces should be fixed with suitable product (See Family 6.
-Cover surface imperfections with plaster or putty (See Family 6 to help you choose the most suitable product to prepare surfaces).
-Mildewed surfaces should be treated with Montolimp fungicide.
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de Plastic paint with an excellent balance between covering power, gloss and resistance. Low splatter. Satinado