One-component, clear finish varnish. Direct use on concrete as a protective, anti-dust and curative impregnating agent.
Apply on dry supports affluent.
When applying the product on Pavimont, avoid mixing with the Pavimont - either use spray equipment or if applying the product with brush or roller, keep the number of strokes to the minimum to prevent the varnish from softening and mixing with the Pavimont.
Verify possible bled on asphalt surfaces and case of existing, please consult with our Technical Department.
Humidity of flooring: maximum of 4% measured at a depth of 2cm.
Surface should be completely dry (30 days minimum).
Remove off any efflorescences.
Pavement must be adjusted and if necessary increased, to obtain uniformity and make a perfect treatment.
Support must be in optimal conditions of cleaning (free of strange products) and perfectly dry.
Remove off any trace of oils or greases.
The mechanical treatment of the ground (shotpeened) solves the problems of impermeability as well as dirt.
In some cases a chemical treatment of caustic soda solution 20% eliminating fats and oils and later treatment with 20% hidrochloric acid to eliminate impermeability (to open pore) and rinse, may be enough.
Pavement surface should be porous enough to achieve perfect adhesion.
Asphaltic surfaces:
-Apply properly after removing foreign products.
- Never apply this product at high temperatures to avoid product bleeding.
-There should not be any asphaltic plastifiers migration. If doubts before chemical application, please consult our Technical Department.
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de One-component, clear finish varnish. Direct use on concrete as a protective, anti-dust and curative impregnating agent. Semibrillo