It is a cementitious coating that forms part of the MicroCement system products. Its function is to regularise the substrate, prior to the application of MicroCement Walls or Floors. It can be used as a finishing microcement with a rustic finish.
- It is recommended, especially indoors, that there be air renewal.
- Ambient temperature: 5-35 ºC - RH ? 75%.
- This range must be maintained during the first 72 hours.
- Substrate temperature ? 8ºC and 3ºC above the dew point. Essential to avoid condensation.
- Variations in ambient temperature during the application process also alter the setting and drying times of the material. Below 20ºC, the drying time increases.
- Preparation of the mixture:
- In the empty bucket included in the pack, pour the previously shaken MICROCEMENT RESIN TR. The proportion is 15 Kg Part A (Powder) + 5 Kg Part B (Resin TR)
- Sprinkle little by little and beat by mechanical stirring until obtaining a homogeneous paste free of lumps.
-Application conditions:
- Apply with a steel trowel with rounded edges, in thin layers, 2 to 3 layers depending on the application, leaving 2 to 3 hours between coats, until a smooth and level surface is achieved.
- The recommended thickness per layer will be between 0.
6 mm - 1.
00 mm.
- On floors and tiles, use fiberglass mesh.
- Consumption per coat: 1 Kg / m2 (approx 0.
7 mm thick). (15 A + 5 B for 20 m2)
- Total consumption: 2-3 Kg / m2 (1-2 mm thick). (15 A + 5 B for 5 - 10 m2)
- End use:
- After 24 hours, we can sand if we have imperfections, with a 120/180 sandpaper.
- We perfectly clean the dust generated.
- Optimal mechanical properties are reached after 28 days.
- If the use is as BASE, continue with MICROCEMENT Floors or Walls.
- If the use is as a decorative rustic finish, continue with Microcement SEALER.
- The MICROCEMENT Ó deco system is not recommended for liquid containment supports, such as swimming pools, tanks or bathtubs.
Partitions and joints:
- The position of the expansion joints must be made to coincide with those previously existing in the base that acts as a support.
- The use of a fiberglass mesh as a reinforcing mesh will allow us to create surfaces without partitions or joints. Its use is always essential when the application is carried out on tiles and floors.
- For large areas of application, plan well the work of each cloth and mixture to be carried out each day, to avoid unsightly encounters in the application.
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de It is a cementitious coating that forms part of the MicroCement system products. Its function is to regularise the substrate, prior to the application of MicroCement Walls or Floors. It can be used as a finishing microcement with a rustic finish.