Water-based acrylic emulsion. It is part of the MicroCement system products. It acts as a binder for the cementitious products. It is also the medium where the colour is added. It is applied mixed with MicroCement Base, Floors or Walls.
On this, sprinkle, under gentle mechanical stirring, the powder from the bag.
Shake well for at least 5 min.
Mix ratio according to the product used:
-Microcement Base: 15kg of Part A: 5L of Part B (Microcement Resin)
-Microcement Floors: 13kg of Part A: 5L of Part B (Microcement Resin)
-Microcement Walls: 12kg of Part A: 5L of Part B (Microcement Resin)
Avoid leaving product of the mixture on the walls of the bucket, collecting regularly to prevent it from drying out.
Available special stainless trowel for white and pastel colors.
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de Water-based acrylic emulsion. It is part of the MicroCement system products. It acts as a binder for the cementitious products. It is also the medium where the colour is added. It is applied mixed with MicroCement Base, Floors or Walls.