One-component, clear finish varnish. Direct use on concrete as a protective, anti-dust and curative impregnating agent. It also complements Pavimont and Pavimont Acqua. It provides semi-gloss finishes, scratch resistance and minimal dirt retention.

Semi-gloss protective varnish for cement floors, terraces, etc. Varnish to improve the resistance and shine of paints such as Pavimont. Varnish for wood floors. Varnish for wood surfaces and furniture in general.
Tiempo de secado
With very absorbent surfaces a primer/fixative is recommended before applying Barniz Pavimont Acqua.
A spot test before application is always advisable.
Stir the product until perfectly blended.
Do not apply the product at high temperatures or on surfaces exposed to strong insolation.
Humidity of flooring: maximum of 4% measured at a depth of 2cm.
Masonry surfaces (cement and derivatives):
1. Treat these surfaces in the usual way, removing saltpetre, excess moisture and efflorescence.
- Treat the surface to achieve the desired porosity.
3. Remove foreign products and/or residues.
- The surface must be free from foreign products and/or residues.
- Apply to sound dry wood, well cleaned of dust and grease.
- Sand and eliminate residues and flaws from the surface.


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