Cement based mortar for the prevention and restoration of walls with a tendency to suffer from rising damp in the subsoil. Also for restoring walls damaged by soluble salts and efflorescence. It can be used for plastering and rendering.

Cementitious mortar for the prevention and restoration of walls (brick, stone, concrete, mortar) which have a tendency to suffer from rising damp from underground and the foundations. Also for restoring walls damaged by soluble salts or efflorescence. Applicable as plaster.
Tiempo de secado
(20ºC HR: 60%): 24h


- Do not apply at temperatures lower than 5ºC or higher than 35ºC
- In the case of exterior use do not apply in conditions with strong winds, rains or frosts.
- In case of high temperatures or strong winds, moisten the mortar plaster with water spray during the 24 hours following its usage.
- Do not apply on plaster, old paint or surfaces that disintegrate easily - sanitise if necessary.
- Do not use for concrete repair.
- Do not add sand, cement or any other product that modifies the original formulation.
- Always mix the product with the indicated amount of water (23-25%).
- Mix together until totally homogeneous with a mortar mixer low revolutions or with a spraying machine.
- After mixing, do not add additional water if the product dries out in the kneading bowl.
- Apply the mortar in a compact and uniform way. Even out the surface.
- Then trowel with a wooden trowel without exerting too much pressure so as not to seal the surface of the mortar.
- It is recommended to leave a minimum of two layers of 20 mm thickness each.
- Once hardened, it should be finished with a suitable coating. The best results are obtained with Ovaldine Siloxane, other types of coatings can also be applied such as Nevada Siloxane, Tixoway antihumedad, Ovaldine Montolite.
- Do not cover with materials that act as vapour barriers: acrylic paints, natural stone or ceramic tiles.
- In joints between different types of brackets use fibreglass mesh as reinforcement.
- Product residues are easily removed with water before the product hardens.
- Avoid breathing the product?s dust and avoid contact with skin and eyes. For further information, please refer to the material safety data sheet.
- Dry usage (1cm layer): 10 Kg/m2 (It is recommended to leave a minimum of two layers of 20 mm thick each).
- Thickness: minimum 5mm - maximum 30mm.
- The surface must be clean and dry.
- If the surface is contaminated with micro-organisms (algae, fungi, etc.
), clean the surface using Montolimp or with water and bleach. Rinse to remove debris caused by the cleaning product.
- Wash the surface with clean water to eliminate efflorescence and soluble salts that could hinder adherence - wait for the water that was used when cleaning to evaporate.



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