Elastic coating for the protection and waterproofing of horizontal surfaces and façades. No mesh required for higher protection as it contains fibreglass. Anti-leak. On alkaline or cementitious surfaces always anchor with Fijamont. Transitable with limited traffic.
, and wash with clean, uncontaminated water.
- Stir the product until evenly homogenised.
- Slightly dilute the product for the first layer, depending on the porosity and condition of the surface.
- Do not apply the product at temperatures below 5 °C or above 35 °C or when there is a risk of imminent rainfall. The temperature of the surface should be above 5 °C to prevent it from freezing.
On horizontal surfaces.
Cement-based mortars:
- Apply a coat of Fijamont, diluted just enough for the finish to be flat, but with the maximum possible amount of Fijamont. For all cases, we recommend applying a coat of waterproofing Primer Impermeabilización afterwards, which improves adhesion. Let dry at least 24 hours between each waterproofing coat.
- After preparation of the surface, it is recommended to apply several coats of the product at a quantity equal to or above 1.
5 l/m2.
Brick, rasilla catalana tiles and asphalt felt:
- For all cases, after repairing the surface, it is recommended to apply a coat of waterproofing Primer Impermeabilización, which improves adhesion.
On façades.
- After the primer, apply a first coat diluted as necessary, and finish with as many coats as needed to leave the desired amount of product on the surface. We recommend at least 0.
75 l/m2
Wait till complete drying of product (30 days minimum).
Remove off any efflorescences by abrasive jet.
Neutralize alkaline surfaces.
Extremely polished surfaces should be sanpapered to open pores.
Remove off any foreign products or remains.
Very damaged surfaces should be fixed with suitable product (See Family 6)
Fill in any defects in the surface with plaster for exteriors (See Family 6).
Asphalt felt:
1. Verify adhesion and proceed to treat as with Catalan tile or porous brick.
2. In all cases, treat mouldy bases with fungicide.
3. Same as on cement mortars
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de Elastic coating for the protection and waterproofing of horizontal surfaces and façades. No mesh required for higher protection as it contains fibreglass. Anti-leak. On alkaline or cementitious surfaces always anchor with Fijamont. Transitable with limited traffic. Semi-mate