Elastic coating for the protection and waterproofing of horizontal surfaces. Anti-leak. High reflectance. Thermally insulating; reduces indoor temperatures and saves energy. Transitable with limited traffic. It can also be used on vertical surfaces with a coverage of 0.75 l/m2 (2-3 coats).
- Shake the product until it is perfectly homogenized.
- In order to guarantee the impermeability of the application as a whole, it is necessary to apply the half-round system at all joints with vertical walls.
-Lightly dilute the product according to the porosity and state of the surface after the first coat.
- Apply the recommended amount of product with as few coats as possible (2-3 coats).
- It is very important that the application temperature and that of the surface be higher than 5 ºC and lower than 35ºC. Do not apply in rain.
- Recommended performance: Depending on the type of surface and method of application, we recommend 1.
5 L/m2 (2-3 layers) horizontally and 0.
75 L/m2 vertically.
- The use of mesh improves mechanical properties.
1. Wait until fully set (30 days minimum).
2. Clean the surface of foreign products and/or residues.
3. Eliminate possible efflorescence using abrasive blasting and neutralize alkaline surfaces. On polished surfaces, sand to create a rougher surface. Seal with a fibro-elastic putty.
4. Before preparing the surface, it must be completely dry, with a humidity value of less than 20% based on hygrometer readings.
5. Apply a Fijamont-type fixer or similar on the entire surface of the cement mortar to seal, optimising adhesion and avoiding contact with the waterproofing agent.
Catalan rasilla or matt porous brick:
1. Same as cement mortars. For very smooth or polished substrates, it is necessary to roughen the surface.
2. In case of fungal surfaces, treat with Montolimp fungicide or similar.
Polyurethane foam and asphalt fabric:
1. Check adherence and if necessary anchor with a water-based epoxy primer to improve adherence.
2. In case of fungal surfaces, treat with Montolimp fungicide or similar.
Galvanized Metal:
Apply an Ecoprimer or Montoepox Acqua suelos style primer. In the case of using a Montoepox Acqua suelos style product, the repainting must be done within a maximum of 48 hours.
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de Elastic coating for the protection and waterproofing of horizontal surfaces. Anti-leak. High reflectance. Thermally insulating; reduces indoor temperatures and saves energy. Transitable with limited traffic. It can also be used on vertical surfaces with a coverage of 0.75 l/m2 (2-3 coats). Mate