Matt water-based paint with excellent opacity, suitable for isolating and covering stains of all kinds: dry dampness, smoke, grease, nicotine, coffee, crayons, pens, etc. Total coverage in two coats: The 1st insulates and the 2nd completely covers the stain.
- Dilute depending on the application and even out completely.
- Although it is a monolayer product, in difficult cases it is recommended that you use three coats, respecting drying times between each coat.
- On new surfaces, use as you would any plastic paint.
- If painting over satin or gloss paint sand down beforehand to ensure better adhesion.
- Repaintable with plastic paints from the Montó (Family 1) range.
- Colourable with water-based dyes (max. 3%).
- Paint with preservative to prevent microbial damage. With anti-mildew preservative (Contains: zinc pyrithione, octylisothiazolinone and diuron).
- We recommend pre-washing with water and detergent.
- For applications on non-dry 100% moisture stains, it is recommended to use solvent-based stains (Tixoway Antimanchas) because it is more effective in this type of situation.
- Wait until completely set (minimum 30 days).
- Wait until completely dry (max. 15-20% humidity).
- The base must be free from foreign products and/or residue.
- Clean off any efflorescence and neutralise alkaline surfaces.
- Apply to dust-free, dry surfaces.
- Use appropriate plaster to fill any defects in the base (to make a suitable selection, see the PREPARING BASES family for lines corresponding to powder plaster and prepared fillers).
- For grease stains see restoration/maintenance-
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de Matt water-based paint with excellent opacity, suitable for isolating and covering stains of all kinds: dry dampness, smoke, grease, nicotine, coffee, crayons, pens, etc. Total coverage in two coats: The 1st insulates and the 2nd completely covers the stain. Mate