Matt paint in bright semi-transparent tones, very easy to apply to obtain a multitude of decorative effects. Completely washable.
- Recommended Methods of use:
1. - Glove or puffs up natural: Impregnate slightly the glove with Velato and apply on the surface base with rotating movements. With short hair gloves the finished are less accentuated than with long hair. Also it is possible to extend the product with a wool roller of uniform form and next to pass the glove over the applied zone.
2. - Special Roller of chamois: Habitually it is extend with a smooth wool roller in a limited surface, based on the number of applications and the climatology.
3. - Tubular or textile Plug: apply the Velato in small surfaces with a wool roller and with the dampened plug or impregnating the plug directly in the Velato. In order to obtain the effect it is struck smoothly with the chosen plug and intermittent way, trying not to leave any smooth areas.
4. - Brush: Extend the Rasato brushing, creating different effects based on the brush size and the procedure of sweeping.
5. - Aerograph: Spray and preferably of gravity with fuze of 2.
5 mm of diameter with air regulator. Apply from a distance of 60/80 cm the wall applying first in horizontal direction and then in vertical direction. A finished humid multicolor can be obtained applying on humid one second hand.
6. - Spatula: Special spatula preferably of plastic or stainless steel.
- Wait until it is totally forged (30 days minimum).
- Clean the base from any possible efflorescence through an abrasive spurt, as well as to neutralize the alkaline surfaces.
- In excessively polished surfaces, sandpaper to open the pore.
- Fix the weak bases with suitable locking device (see family 6).
- Clean to base from any foreign bodies and/or residius
- Fill with plaste (Plasmont Exteriores) the defects of the support (see in family PREPARACIÓN DE FONDOS the lines corresponding to powder plastes and prepared putties to make a suitable election).
- Plaster:
- Wait until it is well dry (max 20% humidity).
- Eliminate from the base any foreign bodies and/or residius.
- Eliminate efflorescences.
- Regulate the absorptions of the surface throught fixing primer or matt paste.
- In surfaces excessively polished sandpaper to open the pore.
- Fix the weak or flourly bases through a suitable fixing primer (see family 6).
- Fix with plaste to eliminate the defects of the base (see in family PREPARACIÓN DE FONDOS the lines corresponding to powder putties and prepared putties to make a suitable election).
- Deal with Montolimp the bases with mould.
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de Matt paint in bright semi-transparent tones, very easy to apply to obtain a multitude of decorative effects. Completely washable. Liso mate