Elastic coating for the protection and waterproofing of horizontal surfaces. Anti-leak. On alkaline or cementitious surfaces, always anchor with Fijamont. Transitable with limited traffic.

Continuous acrylic elastic waterproofing, crack resistant and microporous. Resistant to atmospheric agents. For waterproofing and protecting roofs, horizontal surfaces and terraces that are used infrequently.
Tiempo de secado
4-6 h


White , Red, Gray
- Clean the surface, removing any dirt, moss, mould, etc. and wash with clean, pure water.
- Shake the product until it is evenly mixed.
- Slightly dilute the product for the first layer, depending on the porosity and condition of the surface.
- Finish off with several coats until you have applied the recommended amount.
- It is very important that the application temperature and that of the surface is between 5ºC and 35ºC.
Cement mortar:
1. Wait until it has completely set (at least 30 days).
2. Clean the base to remove any residues, loose or foreign products.
3. Remove any efflorescence using an abrasive water jet, and neutralise alkaline surfaces. Sand down highly polished surfaces to open up the pore. Fill with an elastic fibre filler.
4. Before preparing the base, make sure it is completely dry, the hygrometer humidity value should be lower than 20%.
5. Apply Fijamont to any cement mortar surfaces so that it seals it and does not come into contact with Montokril Cubiertas.
6. Anchor with Primer Impermeabilización.
7. Apply Montokril Cubiertas, using a fibreglass mesh if necessary.

Catalan tile or porous matt brick:
1. The same applies as with cement mortar, without the need to apply Fijamont.
2. In all cases, treat mouldy bases with fungicide.

Polyurethane foam and asphalt shingles:
1. Verify adhesion and proceed to treat as with Catalan tile or porous brick.
2. In all cases, treat mouldy bases with fungicide.



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