Elastic, waterproof and high-coverage façade coating. For protecting façades. Specifically recommended for substrates with cracks up to 1mm in size.

Elastic and waterproof membrane for protection and decoration of façades and exterior walls. Isolates the façade from rainwater. Good durability and resistance to sunlight (UV) and rainwater. Ideal for professional application: high coverage, high performance, low gloss and fast execution. This product contributes to LEED®, BREEAM® and VERDE certifications.
Tiempo de secado


White 103 and bases. COF and FACHADAS ETERNA chart colours.
- Do not apply the product at temperatures below 5ºC or above 35ºC or with the risk of imminent rain.
- Do not apply in full sun or on excessively humid days.
- Shake the product until it is perfectly homogenized.
- Dilute the product depending on the porosity and state of the support in the first layer.
- Finish with two or more layers slightly diluted until the support is completely covered.
Concrete and cement mortars:
1. Wait until fully set 30 days minimum
2. Clean the surface of possible efflorescence via abrasive blasting
3. Neutralise alkaline surfaces.
4. On polished surfaces, sand to create a rougher surface.
5. Clean the surface to remove foreign products.
6. Fix crumbly surfaces with a suitable fixative (Fijamont or Fixing Emulsion).
7. Use putty on surface defects (Elastic or Plasmont Exterior or Montó equivalent).

Porous bricks:
1. Remove any cracks, holes or irregularities with Plasmont Exterior or Montó equivalent.
2. Clean the surface before painting.
3. It is advisable to apply a primer before painting due to the porosity of the brick, thus avoiding wasting paint.



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