Low thermal conductivity paint, which gives the substrate thermo-insulating, sound-absorbing and anti-condensation qualities. It also prevents the formation of damp due to condensation.

Water-based paint that simultaneously provides bases with excellent features such as heat insulation, soundproofing and anti-condensation.
Liso mate
6 - 12 m²/L
Tiempo de secado
(20ºC HR:60%):1h


White 103
- Homogenise the product using a spatula, never with a stirrer, so as not to break the microspheres.
- Only apply with a brush or roller, since application using a paint gun can damage the structure of the product.
- Given that its capacity for heat-insulation, soundproofing and anti-condensation depends on the thickness and aspect of the base, our experience offers the following advice:
- North-facing perimeter walls: Apply 2 m2/l. Obtain a minimum thickness of 500 micrometres when dry, for which we recommend three coats.
- South-facing walls and interior partitions: Apply 4-5 m2/l. Obtain a minimum thickness of 200 micrometres when dry, for which we recommend two coats.
- Interior walls and ceilings: Apply 3-4 m2/l. Obtain a minimum thickness of 300-400 micrometres when dry, for which we recommend between 2 and 3 coats.
- Exterior bases: Apply 2 m2/l. Obtain a minimum thickness of 500 micrometres when dry, for which we recommend three coats.
- You can end up with a plastic colored paint, respecting the established recoat time.
Cement mortars:
1. Wait until fully hardened (min. 30 days).
2. Clean off possible efflorescence with an abrasive jet.
3. Neutralise alkaline surfaces.
4. For polished surfaces: sand down to open the grain.
5. Clean any unusual products from the base.
6. Fix crumbling bases with Emulsión Fijadora or Fijamont.
7. Fill in any defects/flaws in the base (see family 6)

1. Wait until the plaster is dry (maximum 20% humidity).
2. Clean any unusual products from the base.
3. Clean off possible efflorescence with an abrasive jet.
4. Control the absorbency of the base using a sealant, fixative or a diluted coat of the same product.
5. For polished surfaces: sand down to open the grain.
6. Fix crumbling bases with Emulsión Fijadora or Fijamont.
7. Fill in any defects/flaws in the base (see family 6)


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