Anti-rust and rust passivation enamel with high protection against corrosion. 3 in 1: rust passivator, primer and finishing enamel. Saves time and layers in the application process. Smooth finish. Odourless and solvent free.

Antioxidant and direct to oxide water-based enamel, with high protection against corrosion. 3-in-1 smooth finish: rust passivator, primer and topcoat. Save time and layers by not needing a primer and drying faster than traditional synthetic enamels. Decorative enamel of high quality and duration.This product contributes to LEED®, BREEAM® and VERDE certifications.
8 - 10 m²/L
Tiempo de secado
(20ºC HR:60%):1h


White 102, Black 105
- Apply on a clean and dry surface, removing dirt with degreasers or detergents and clean water.
- Stir the product until it is perfectly homogenised.
- Do not apply the product at high temperatures, or on surfaces exposed to strong sunlight.
- Maintain good ventilation conditions during the drying time.
- Do not apply while the relative humidity is above 80%.
- There may be changes in drying, performance or other properties depending on climatic and application variations.
- A minimum application of two coats at 50-60 microns dry is recommended (8 m2/l, x coat), for adverse conditions this thickness should be increased to 150-180 microns.
- For new and/or rusty iron and steel:
- The surface must be free of foreign matter and/or residues, well degreased, free of calamine and dry.
- If there are rust spots, it is not necessary to remove them, only to sand and remove badly adhered particles if they exist. Then directly apply Ferrorite Acqua.
- If there are areas of corrosion, remove loose rust and scale with wire brushes or abrasive brushes (ST3).



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