Transparent primer for hard plastics. Adheres and allows repainting with acrylic and synthetic sprays.

Adhesive transparent primer for painting plastic surfaces. For painting plastic parts of cars, garden furniture and hard plastics in general.
Tiempo de secado
Shake the container vigorously for about 2 minutes to homogenise its contents perfectly.
Carry out application tests in a non-visible place.
Protect areas that are not to be painted.
Apply at a distance of 25-30cm from the surface in light, criss-cross strokes.
Do not apply the product at high temperatures, or on surfaces exposed to strong sunlight.
Maintain good ventilation conditions during the drying time.
Do not apply while the relative humidity is above 80%.
Do not use at temperatures below 15ºC.
When finished, empty the contents of the cannula by dosing with the container upside down.
Approximate yield per 400ml container 5 - 6 m2 (two cross-coats)
Do not give more than 2 cross layers.
- The surface must be free of foreign products and/or residues.
- The surface must be degreased, clean and dry.
- We must protect the areas that we do not want to paint.


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Carga rápida.

Ocho muelles de carga para camiones de 24 toneladas.

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