Mixture of natural oils for the nourishment and protection of unvarnished wood outdoors. Reinforced with U.V. filter

Mix of natural oils for nourishing and protecting wood without varnishing.
10 - 20 m²/L
Tiempo de secado
(20ºC HR:60%):24-48h


-Remove remnants of foreign products, grease, dirt or remnants of closed pore varnishes.
To remove grease and the majority of dirt, wash with water and detergent, and allow it dry. To remove paint or varnish, strip down or use a mechanical tool.
-Stir the product until perfectly blended. Sanding first with fine sandpaper is always recommended. Apply the product abundantly, preferably with a brush or roller, leaving excess product on the surface. After about 30 minutes, remove the excess with a cloth that does not leave threads behind, and repaint. For a perfect finish, wait at least four hours between coats and sand. Then apply a second coat.
Do not apply the product at high temperatures or on surfaces exposed to strong sunlight.
Ensure good ventilation while the product is drying.
Do not apply with relative moisture over 80%.
New woods:
1. The base must be free from foreign materials and/or residues.
2. Apply to woods with a moisture content of less than 20%.
3. Apply to dry wood in good condition, properly degreased and dust-free.
4. Sand down and remove any remnants of glue from the joints and defects from the mechanical process.
5. If the wood shows signs of ageing, it must first be sanded down and any dust removed using a brush or other mechanical device.
6. Use a paint gun - the most highly recommended is the Airless System.


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