One-component varnish that crosslinks with ambient humidity. Extraordinary durability. Sand after 24 hours.

Single component polyurethane varnish which reticulates with atmospheric humidity. Gives extraordinary hardness and high gloss.
11 - 17 m²/L
Tiempo de secado
(20ºC HR:60%):1h


-Stir product completely.
-Dilute first coat properly to achieve a good surface penetration.
-We recommend diluting first coat with our Disolvente Poliuretano (ref.
1410) for very hard wood types, porous or very smooth surfaces.
-Do not apply layers over 100 micras thickness per coat.
-Not sandpapering is necessary between coats, but is advisable in the case of wood prone to raise hair or to ensure a good adherence level.
-After more than 12 hours of last coat application, always sandpaper between coats.
-Should a very smooth finish be desired, sandpaper as well before last coat application.
-Do not apply product at high temperatures or on overheated surfaces exposed to sunshine.
-Keep room well ventilated while product is drying.
-Do not apply when moisture content is over 80%.
-Product should be totally transparent prior to being applied.
-Reticulant product, do not store after opening.
-Dilute product previously to avoid bubble forming and allow product penetration on porous surfaces.
-Minimum time given between coats must be observed to avoid brittle surfaces.
-Maximum time given between coats must be observed to avoid adherence faults.
New wood:
-Surface should be free of any foreing products or remains.
-Apply on wood with less than 12% moisture content.
-Apply on wood in good condition, dry and free of grease and dust.
-Sandpaper and eliminate any remains in joints and mechanical faults.
-Old wood should be previously sandpapered and dust-free.


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