Protective treatment of wood. Breathable. Incorporates U.V. filter. Easy maintenance and repainting. Outdoors apply with colour.

Lasure-type transparent varnish for protecting interior and exterior wood, with UV protectors.
10 - 16 m²/L
Tiempo de secado
(20ºC HR:60%):2-4h


Base: TR 900 Cromiservice and Montomix (max 5%) systems. Montotinte universal or water (max: 5%)
Stir product completely.
-Only apply on clean and dry surfaces.
-Dilute product according to application system recommendations.
-Surface should be sandpapered previously to ensure good product penetration and wood levelling.
- It is recommended that the condition and appearance of the surfaces of items previously varnished with MONTOXYL LASURE ACQUA MATE should be reviewed periodically in order to maintain full protective effectiveness. If deterioration is found, due to knocks and/or scratches, etc.
, it is recommended to clean and sand the damaged area and re-varnish with MONTOXYL LASURE ACQUA MATE.
- For the first coat, it is recommended to prime with Fondo Lasure Acqua. Montoxyl Fondo is also suitable.

-Do not apply at high temperatures or on overheated surfaces exposed to sunshire.
-Keep room well ventilated while product is drying.
-Do not apply when moisture content is over 80%.
New wood
-Surface should be free of any foreing products or remains.
-Apply on wood with less than 20% moisture content.
-Apply on wood in good condition, dry and free of grease and dust.
-Sandpaper and eliminate any remains in joints and mechanical faults.
-Old wood should be previously sandpapered and dust-free.
- Applying MONTOXYL LASURE ACQUA MATE in the conditions described and following the restoration and maintenance indications, the product can provide the highest resistance protection to wood for up to seven years. Depends on the location/area, conditions and stress to which the varnished wood is subjected.


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