Protective treatment of wood. Maximum performance, durability and resistance to atmospheric agents. Incorporates U.V. sunscreen. Breathable. Easy maintenance and repainting. Outdoors apply with colour.
Apply straight from the container, spreading it as thinly as possible (thin coats)
Do not apply the product at high temperatures or on surfaces in strong sunlight.
Keep the area well-ventilated while drying.
Do not apply in relative humidity over 80%.
1. Outside, to protect the wood with Anticarcomas KLEARXYL DI of the attack of fungi, algae and insects.
2. Ensure the surface is free of foreign matter and/or residue.
3. Apply on wood with less than 20% moisture content.
4. Apply on sound, dry wood, free of grease and dust.
Old woods:
1. Outside, to protect the wood with Anticarcomas KLEARXYL DI of the attack of fungi, algae and insects.
2. Sand and remove possible glue traces in joints and faulty milling.
3. If the wood shows signs of ageing it should be sanded and the dust removed with a brush or other mechanical means.
4. With a paint gun: we recommend the Airless System.
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de Protective treatment of wood. Maximum performance, durability and resistance to atmospheric agents. Incorporates U.V. sunscreen. Breathable. Easy maintenance and repainting. Outdoors apply with colour.