Synthetic varnish for maximum resistance in extreme climates. Elastic. Incorporates U.V. FILTER.

Transparent, closed pore urethane alkyd varnish with a brilliant finish, outstanding brushability and very high resistance to UV rays.
Alto brillo
15 - 21 m²/L
Tiempo de secado
(20ºC HR:60%):2-4h


Base: Transparent
- Stir the product until its perfect homogenization.
- Adequately dilute the first coat to achieve good penetration into the substrate.
- It can be applied without the need to sand between coats, although it is advisable to proceed with a soft sanding in order to guarantee a perfect adherence and especially in the case of woods with a tendency to repel.
- Likewise, to obtain a silky finish, it is also advisable to sand before the last coat.
- It is advisable to previously prime with Montoxyl Fondo (Code: 1301).
- Do not apply the product at high temperatures, or on surfaces exposed to strong sunlight.
- Maintain good ventilation conditions during the drying time.
- Do not apply with relative humidity higher than 80%.
- If this product is tinted with Montotinte Universal or with the Cromiservice System, use this stain as a background, following the direction of the veins and diluting appropriately.
- Homogenize regularly during the painting process.
- The tinting considerably increases its resistance to U.
New woods:
-Outside, protect the wood with Anticarcomas Klearxyl Di from the attack of fungi and xylophagous insects.
-The support must be free of foreign products and / or residues.
-Apply on wood with a moisture content of less than 20%.
-Apply on healthy woods, well degreased, dust-free and dry.
-Sanding and eliminating possible glue residues in assemblies and machining failures.
-If the wood shows signs of aging, it must be previously sanded and dust removed by brushing or any other mechanical means.
-The primer with Montoxyl Fondo is recommended (Code: 501301).


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