Powdered additive to make floor paints slip-resistant. It can be mixed directly with the paint or sprinkled while it is still wet.

Additive in powder form. Specially formulated to make floor paints non-slip.
8 - 12 m²/L
Tiempo de secado
Aprox. 60 min.


Beige, does not alter the final color of the paint which is incorporated
-Incorporate to paint and homogenize within given proportions as per data sheet guidelines.
-Should it be added to water based paints, ensure that materials are anti-rust (such as stainless steel). Apply with special machinery types which enables addition with minimal thinning.
-Incorporate to paint within given proportions as per data sheet guidelines.
-Apply when paint is still wet, with suitable machinery, when paint is dry, remove any product excess by brushing it off.
-Should it be sprinkled by using a mechanical system, ensure that the projecting nozzles are supplied with abrasive products such as CARBON TUNGSTEN. Should it be added to water based paints, ensure that mateirals are anti-rust (such as stainless steel).
Proceed as per corresponding data sheet guidelines.

Asphaltic surfaces: Proceed as per corresponding data sheet guidelines.


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