Two-component paint for floors and metals with high mechanical and chemical resistance. Long life, flexibility and adhesion.

Multiuse epoxy paint, of two component solvent, ideal for painting metals and soils to those conferred by high chemical and mechanical resistance.
7 - 9 m²/L
Tiempo de secado
(20ºC HR:60%):1h


Base: White 102, TR White 102, Available in tintometric system
Stir until perfect homogenization both components.
- Stir and mix in the prescribed conditions, leaving the mixture rest for 15 minutes.
- Apply on dry supports, sanitized, and free of foreign bodies.
- On metal: dry film thickness on coatings between 25 and 40 microns.
- Do not apply at temperatures below 5 º C neither to relative humidity above 95%.
- Do not apply at high temperatures, or heated surfaces.
SOIL: Its fundamental its proper preparation.
1. Wait until completely set (at least 30 days): Remove efflorescence.
2. The pavement should be healthy, clean, dry and if necessary screed.
3. Fats and oils should be totaly eliminated.
4. The blasting is the best solution, although in some cases a caustic soda solution 15-20%, followed by rinsing and neutralization is suficient.
The appropiate porosity from the pavement is achieved by blasting.
5. In soils with moderate porosity it might be sufficient a treatment salfumant based chemical followed by extensive rinsing water.
6. In case of doubt before applying a chemical treatment please do not hesitate to speak with our Technical Department.
On asphaltic surfaces never apply at high temperatures, removing foreign bodies and proving ther is no migration of plasticizers.

METALS: The support must be free of any foreign products and / or debris. It must properly primed, following the guidelines set out in the primer.



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