Water-based paint for the maintenance, protection and marking of floors. High resistance to friction, light and atmospheric agents. For painting stripes use Massima Fachadas Liso.

Semi-matt acrylic paint with high resistance to rubbing and weathering.For maintenance, protection and signaling of sports grounds such as tennis courts, racquetball courts, bike lanes...
9 - 13 m²/L
Tiempo de secado
(20ºC HR:60%):15-45min


Red 152, Green 128, Blue 190, Grey 189 Bases TR,IN,BL
- Stir the product until perfectly homogenised.
- Dilute the product according to the porosity and state of the base on the first coat.
- Finish with one or two slightly diluted coats, until the base has full coverage.
- Do not apply the product at temperatures below 5ºC or on surfaces exposed to strong insolation.
- If you are applying over old paint, it is very important that these paints are fully adhesive to the base. Check that this is the case.
- It is also essential that the grain of the base is sufficiently open to ensure perfect fastening.
- The product can be applied to plaster, in the event of painting inside ceilings or walls.
- Humidity of flooring: maximum of 4% measured at a depth of 2cm.
- For striped painting, use Massima Fachadas.
Cement mortars:
1. Wait at least 30 days for it to fully harden.
2. Clean off possible efflorescence with an abrasive jet.
3. Neutralise alkaline surfaces.
4. For polished surfaces: sand down to open the grain.
5. Clean any unusual products from the base.
6. Fix crumbling bases using Fijamont.
7. Fill any defects/flaws in the base surface using a suitable product.


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