One-component rustproofing primer with maximum adhesion on steel and light materials. Weldable.

A primer component for a perfect adhesion of subsequent coats of paint on metal surfaces difficult anchor , as galvanized iron, aluminum or light alloys.
8 - 10 m²/L
Tiempo de secado
(20ºC HR:60%):15min


-Stir both products thoroughly.
-Only apply on clean and dry surfaces, clean off any dirt by using clean water and detergents.
-Follow guidelines as shown in table below.
-Do not apply product at high temperatures or overheated surfaces exposed to sunshine.
-Keep room well ventilated while product is drying.
-Do not apply when moisture contents it over 80%.
New metal surfaces:
-Surface should be free of any foreign products, rust or remains.
-Apply on dry surfaces, free of any grease or dust.
-For maximum protection on iron and by-products, remove off any rust by abrassive blast cleaning until Swedish norm level (SIS 055900) Sa2. If this is not possible, use a hard metal made scrapper and scrubbing brush until Swedish norm level (SIS 055900) St3.


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