Powder filler for universal use, both for covering large defects and for smoothing small imperfections. Easy to apply. Excellent whiteness and adhesion. Good sandability. When painting, the fillers are not absorbed.

Universal powdered filler for filling holes, refilling major defects, smoothing minor imperfections and finishing
Tiempo de secado
(20ºC HR:60%):4-5h


Dilute with clean, unpolluted water.
Use the tools indicated in the application system instructions. Ensure the tools are clean, in good working order and of course, rust free.
Repaint following the indicated period of time. Given that this depends on the levels of humidity, temperature and thickness of the coating, the lack of clogging of the sandpaper with indicate that the product is ready for repainting.
*-Cement / plaster mortar: Check suitability of PLASMONT MULTIUSO STANDARD on surface. -Allow to harden completely (minimum 30 days) -Remove possible efflorescence and neutralise alkaline surfaces. -Sand to open the pores of excessively polished surfaces.
-Remove external products and/or residues. -Back gouge any cracks or fissures down to repaired base, remove subsequent dust with brush and apply PLASMONT MULTIUSO STANDARD filler as instructed in the Application Systems and Applications. -Do not exceed the maximum recommended thickness of coats. - On surfaces in an excessively poor condition suitable fixative should be used before applying filler (see product family 6).
-Wood: -Check suitability of PLASMONT MULTIUSO STANDARD on surface. - Sand to open pores of excessively polished surfaces. -Remove external products and/or residues.
-Back gouge any cracks or fissures down to repaired base, remove subsequent dust with brush and apply PLASMONT MULTIUSO STANDARD filler as instructed in the Application Systems and Applications. -Do not exceed the maximum recommended thickness of coats. -Apply on healthy, grease-free, resin free, dust free and dry wood with less than 20% internal dampness. If the wood shows signs of ageing it should be sanded and the cracks back gouged to healthy wood.


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