Ready for use filler. For grouting tiles and ceramics, with good anchorage on low porosity surfaces.

Ready to use putty, for filling tiles and ceramics, with good adhesion on non-porous or slightly porous surfaces.
Tiempo de secado
(20ºC HR:60%):1-3h


- Use the tools indicated under application methods, clean and free of rust.
- Repaint once the indicated time has passed. As this depends on the moisture levels, temperature and thickness of the layer, if the sandpaper does not stick this will tell us that the product is ready to proceed.
For filling and eliminating cracks and fissures on cement/plaster mortars.
- Check the suitability of the filler for the base.
- Wait until fully hardened (at least 30 days).
- Clean possible efflorescence from the base and neutralise alkaline surfaces.
- Sand down highly polished surfaces to open up the pore.
- Remove any foreign products and residues from the base.
- Open up any cracks and fissures to repair the base, remove the dust produced with a brush and apply the filler or plaster as indicated in the Application Systems and Application sections.
- Never exceed the maximum recommended layer thickness.
- Fix very crumbly surfaces with a suitable fixative before filling (see Family 6): Emulsión Fijadora or Fijamont.
For tiles, brickwork, ceramic material and on non-porous or slightly porous plaster work: Remove any foreign products from the base and apply directly.


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