Universal filler for renovation and smoothing. It stands out for its very easy sanding and perfect filling.
Anchor adequately.
We usually recommend coats of between 5-7 mm at most.
Three or more coats can be applied to a thickness of up to 15 mm.
Repaint following the indicated period of time. Given that this depends on the levels of humidity, temperature and thickness of the coat, the lack of clogging of the sandpaper with indicate that the product is ready for repainting.
Suitable finishing products: Ovaldine, Montoplástica, Montonature, Esmalte Montosintétic, Luxatín and High Decoration products.
-Test suitability on surface.
-Wait till complete drying of product (30 days).
-Remove off any efflorescences and neutralize alkaline surfaces.
-Extremely polished surfaces should be sandpapered to open pores.
-Remove off any foreing products or remains.
-Open any fissures or cracks until obtaining good condition surface. Remove off any resulting dust by brushing and apply as recommended under Application Systems and Application points.
-For extremely damaged surfaces, use suitable fixer before puttying.
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de Universal filler for renovation and smoothing. It stands out for its very easy sanding and perfect filling.