Concentrated paste of dispersed pigments for colouring water-based paints.

Concentrated stains, compatible with the majority of water-based and solvent-based paints for obtaining pastel and intermediate tones. For interior and exterior use depending on the colour.


Exterior colours: Ochre 162, Black 101, Rust Red 152, Beige 164 Interior colours: Yellow 131, Mid-Yellow 132, Bright Red 150, Blue 186, Green 124
-Homogenise the product by shaking it lightly.
-Slowly add it to the paint.
-Add the paint in question and mechanically shake or stir, as indicated in the technical specifications for the paint.
-For large quantities of the product, add the colouring first to a small amount of paint and later pour in the rest.
-Despite its low tendency to flocculate, you should conduct a test, especially if you are using black water-based Montotinte. If you notice any type of flocculation, consult our Customer Services (SAC) department, who will provide you with the appropriate solutions for each case.
Proceed as per product to which is to be dyed.


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