Preparation spray for regulating prefabricated plasterboard. It evens out the surface, covers boards, joints and fillers. Easy sanding to finish later by painting. Ideal as a first layer in Q2, Q3, Q4 installations.

Preparation spray for regulating prefabricated plasterboard for interior partition walls. Evens out the surface, completely covering the board, joints and putties. Very easy to sand and finish with any quality of paint, allowing a perfectly smooth finish to be achieved.This product contributes to LEED®, BREEAM® and VERDE certifications.
2 - 4 m²/Kg
Tiempo de secado
(20ºC HR:60%,1mm):30-60 min


Application with airless projection equipment. Nozzle 27 - 31 and fan, depending on the application surface (4, 5 , 6). Equipment pressure 2000 - 2500 psi. (variable depending on hose length).

Add 0-1 litre of water per 25 kg drum and combine using a mixer

System of application on fibre gypsum partition walls for Q2 and/or Q3 finishes:
Apply a first coat of Montoplac preparation, approx. 300 microns when wet (approx. 3.
5 m2/kg)
Leave to dry for BETWEEN 10-20 mins, depending on the ambient conditions.
Apply a second coat of Montoplac preparation, approx. 400 microns when wet (approx. 2.
5 m2/kg)
Approximate final coverage - two coats of 0.
6 - 0.
7 kg/m2
Leave to dry for 24 hours and sand with 150 grit sandpaper. Remove dust.

System of application on laminated plasterboard (pyl) partition walls for Q2 and/or Q3 finishes:
Apply a light coat with an approximate coverage of 5m2/l (3m2/kg).
Leave to dry for 24 hours and sand with 150 grit sandpaper. Remove dust.

System of application on fibre gypsum and laminated plasterboard (pyl) partition walls for Q4 finishes: apply 3 coats with a yield of 1.
33m2/l (0.
80 m2/kg).
Leave to dry for 24 hours and sand with 150 grit sandpaper. Remove dust.

System of application on stippled and textured surfaces: remove ridges by sanding and apply 900 micron wet coats until a thickness is achieved that allows sanding to eliminate the texture.
Leave to dry for 24 hours and sand with 150 grit sandpaper. Remove dust.

Note: Montoplac preparation can be applied with a roller on the surfaces described above - this application method is advised if the application surface is small. Use a microfibre roller for smooth finishes. Application is also possible with a polyacrylic or polyamide roller for smooth finishes. It is recommended to apply at least two coats, with a coverage of 3m2/kg, waiting time between coats of at least 2 hours and sanding after 24 hours with medium grain sandpaper (150-220 grit).

For finishing on Montoplac preparation:
For high quality paints, prime with Fixing Emulsion or Fijamont and apply 2 coats of paint, using putty between coats to fill in any defects.
For standard paints, prime with diluted product, use putty to fill in any defects and finish with a second coat.
Cement/plaster putty:
Check that the putty is suitable for the substrate.
Wait until it has completely set (30 days minimum)
Clean the substrate to remove any efflorescence and to neutralise alkaline surfaces.
Sand polished surfaces to make them more porous.
Clean the substrate to remove foreign substances and/or residues.
Open up any cracks or fissures to thoroughly clean them, remove dust that is produced using a brush, and then plaster them
For extremely thin surfaces, before applying putty, use an appropriate fixative (see family 6): Emulsión Fijadora, Fijamont, Fijalite.

Partition substrates:
The partition walls must be in perfect condition.
Fill in joints and defects, leaving the partition walls ready to be finished with the Montoplac® system



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