100% acrylic coating for the protection and decoration of façades and outdoor walls, providing them with a high level of protection and durability.

Smooth coating, 100% acrylic, for the protection and decoration of façades and exterior walls. Highly durable and resistant: sunlight (UV), extreme temperatures, rainwater, environmental dirt, microorganisms and mould, chalk, colour degradation, carbonation of concrete, paint ageing. Ideal for professional application: high coverage, performance, low gloss and speed of execution. This product contributes to LEED®, BREEAM® and VERDE certifications.
8 - 12 m²/L
Tiempo de secado
(20ºC HR:60%):1h


Bases: BL, IN, TR White 103 and colors COF Y FACHADAS ETERNA.
- Do not apply the product at temperatures below 5ºC C or above 35ºC or with imminent risk of rain.
- Do not apply in full sun or on excessively humid days.
- Shake the product until it is perfectly homogenised.
- For the first coat, dilute the product according to the porosity and state of the surface.
- Finish with one or more lightly diluted coats until the surface is completely covered.
Cement morter:
-Wait till complete drying of product (30 days minimum).
-Remove off any efflorescences by abrasive jet and neutralize alkaline surfaces.
-Extremely polished surfaces should be sanpapered to open pores.
-Remove off any foreing products or remains.
-Cover surface imperfections with Plastmont Exteriores (See Family 6 to help you choose the most suitable product to prepare surfaces).

Porous bricks:
1. Remove any cracks, holes or irregularities with Plasmont Exterior or Montó equivalent.
2. Clean the surface before painting.
3. It is advisable to apply a primer before painting due to the porosity of the brick, thus avoiding wasting paint.



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