Mineral silicate coating for protection and decoration of façades and outdoor walls. High level of strength and durability. Maximum breathability and adhesion on mineral substrates.
To shake the product until its perfect homogenization.
To print the support with PRIMER SILICATE diluted with water based on the porosity and state of the support.
To dilute the product with PRIMER SILICATO pure or mixed with water based on the porosity of the support.
You will put two or three coats of OVALDINE SILICATE in fine layers and without reviewing in humid.
Do not apply the product in inferior temperatures to 5º C nor humidity superior to 80%.
To avoid to paint on surfaces exposed to a strong sun.
In very absorbent supports to apply a coat of PRIMER SILICATO and 24 hours later 2-3 coats of OVALDINE SILICATO with 12-24 intervals hours.
In little absorbent supports to apply 2-3 coats of OVALDINE SILICATO .
On very porous surfaces regulate absorption with Primer Silicato.
On gypsum surfaces prime with Fixing emulsion.
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de Mineral silicate coating for protection and decoration of façades and outdoor walls. High level of strength and durability. Maximum breathability and adhesion on mineral substrates. Mate