One-component paint for floors. Fast drying, good adhesion and hardness for the painting of terraces, floors, signs, garage entryways, etc.
-Only apply on dry surfaces.
-Should asphaltic surfaces show any product 'bleeding', consult our Technical Department.
- Humidity of flooring: maximum of 4% measured at a depth of 2cm.
Surface should be completely dry.
Remove off any efflorescences.
To achieve good results and product uniformity pavement should be in good condition.
Surface should be clean (free of foreign products) and totally dry.
Remove off any trace of oils or greases. Dirt may be removed by grit blasting (mechanical stripping) the floor - in some other cases a chemical treatment of 15-20% caustic soda solution may be enough, neutralise then with hidrochloric acid and rinse thoroughly with plenty of fresh water.
-Pavement surface should be porous enough to achieve perfect adhesion. Ideally, the pavement should be grit blasted or treated mechanically to achieve this. Semi-porous surfaces may be treated
chemically by applying 15-30% thinned hidrochloric acid and then rinsed thoroughly with plenty of fresh water. Should there be any doubts before chemical application, please consult our Technical Department.
Asphaltic surfaces:
-Apply properly after removing foreign products.
-Temperature changes should be controlled. Never apply this product at high temperaturers to avoid product bleeding.
-There should not be any asphaltic plastifiers migration.
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de One-component paint for floors. Fast drying, good adhesion and hardness for the painting of terraces, floors, signs, garage entryways, etc. Semimate