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Paredes y techos
Revestimientos de fachadas
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Rev. lisos 100% acrilicos [3]
Revestimientos lisos [4]
Revestimientos al silicato [2]
Siloxano [2]
Revestimientos pliolite [1]
Revestimientos rugosos [2]
Anticarbonatacion [1]
Antihumedad e impermeabilizac.
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Impermeabilizacion horizontal [4]
Impermeabilizacion vertical [2]
Hidrofugantes [1]
Humedad capilar [2]
Anticondensacion [1]
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Poliuretanos multisoporte [4]
Antioxidante agua metales
Sinteticos metal-madera [8]
Acrilicos multisoporte [3]
Spray multisoporte [17]
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Protectores alcidicos (p. a.) [4]
Barnices sinteticos [5]
Poliuretanos 1 comp. (suelos) [2]
Aceites protectores (restaur.) [2]
Protectores al agua (p. a.) [5]
Tratamientos al agua [1]
Poliuretanos al agua (suelos) [3]
Fondos nitro pigmen. (l. y p.) [6]
Fondos poliuretano transparent [15]
Preparaciones, fondos e impr.
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Al uso (masillas) [6]
Hierro y metales (masillas) [1]
Madera [1]
En polvo (masillas) [13]
Hierro y metales (imprimacio.) [8]
Multiadherente (imprimaciones) [1]
Selladoras (imprimaciones) [1]
Suelos (imprimaciones) [1]
Fijadores y emulsiones (impr.) [4]
Productos para uso especifico
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Colorantes liquidos [2]
Instalaciones deportivas [3]
Instalaciones deportivas [1]
Varios [1]
Epoxis al agua [1]
Quitapinturas [1]
Sistema antigraffiti [1]
Anticaloricas [1]
Aditivos [2]
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Epoxis suelos y metales [2]
Acrilicas disolvente [1]
Acrilicas disolvente [1]
Complementos suelo [2]
Alta decoracion
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Estucos [3]
Complementos [1]
Rusticos difuminados [1]
Texturados, velados y tampon. [1]
Water-based coating used as a primer for the reinforcement layer prior to the application of the final finish of the MONTÓ therm System.
Sinteticos metal-madera
Chalk effect paint, velvety appearance and fast drying. To create vintage or aged effects, using the application technique (abrading by sanding).
Fijadores y emulsiones (impr.)
Fixative primer with maximum penetration on porous, painted or newly built surfaces. Damp-proofing. Maximum adherence. Prevents saltpeters and streaks. Hardens and repairs surfaces in bad condition.
Highly penetrating fixing primer for porous surfaces and new or painted construction...
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One-component universal adhesive sealant primer. Odourless. For surfaces that are difficult to anchor. Free of toxic pigments and aromatic solvents. Can be repainted with any paint.
Penetrating fixative primer for porous surfaces. Regulates absorption on new building work...
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Penetrating fixative primer for porous surfaces. It hardens the substrate, regulates absorption and provides coverage.
Highly penetrating fixing primer for porous surfaces and new or painted construction...
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Concentrated vinyl emulsion with a milky appearance and multiple uses in the field of decoration.
Water vinyl, economic emulsion, commonly known as alkyl, for anchoring, sealing and...
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