Fixative primer with maximum penetration on porous, painted or newly built surfaces. Damp-proofing. Maximum adherence. Prevents saltpeters and streaks. Hardens and repairs surfaces in bad condition.

Highly penetrating fixing primer for porous surfaces and new or painted construction materials. Damp resistant. Maximum adherence. Prevents saltpetre stains and blur. Strengthens and recuperates surfaces in bad condition.
7 - 15 m²/L
Tiempo de secado
(20ºC HR:60%):10-30min


-Stir product thoroughly.
-Product should be totally transparent, if not discard product.
-Apply only on clean and dry surfaces.
-Thin product depending on surface absorption to avoid a brilliant effect. (See Aplication Systems guidelines)
-Do not apply at high temperatures or on any surfaces exposed to sunlight.
-Do not apply at over 80% relative moisturing level.
-Tests should be performed before finishing coat.
Cement morter, plaster and by products.
-Wait till complete drying of product and surface (30 days minimum with less than 20% humidity level).
-Surface should be totally dry.
-Remove off any efflorescences and neutralize alkaline surfaces.
-Remove off any foreing products or remains.
-Extremely polished surfaces should be sandpapered to open pore.
-Cover surface imperfections with suitable plaster or putty (See Family 6 to help you choose the most suitable product to prepare surfaces).
For bad condition surfaces apply Fijamont before and after puttying.
-Mildewed surfaces should be treated with Montolimp.
New wood:
-Should surface need a fungicidal product apply Montoxyl Fondo Incoloro .
-Fijamont is applicable when surface is painted over with water or solvent based paints and the fungicide products has totally penetrated.


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